Installing Django Framework using pip
The recommended way to install Django is with pip. pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages.
Before installing Django, you need to install pip!
1. Install python
First things first – get Python! You can get the Python 2.7.3 (the current Python 2.x version as of this writing) 32-bit installer from
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:24:47) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
Type quit() to close the python interpreter
>>> quit()
NB: Before punning the command, remember to add the python on the windows environment PATH
2. Install Distribute. Distribute is a pre-requisite for pip
Download the file to you computer. Click on the file to install Distribute, or run from the command prompt.
Extracting in c:usersamache~1appdatalocaltemptmpbjtb6b
Now working in c:usersamache~1appdatalocaltemptmpbjtb6bdistribute-0.6.36
Installing Distribute
Before install bootstrap.
Scanning installed packages
Setuptools installation detected at c:python27libsite-packages
Non-egg installation
Moving elements out of the way…
Already patched.
Installed c:python27libsite-packagesdistribute-0.6.36-py2.7.egg
Processing dependencies for distribute==0.6.36
Finished processing dependencies for distribute==0.6.36
After install bootstrap.
C:Python27Libsite-packagessetuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg-info already exists
3. Install pip
Now, Download the pip install script from GitHub.
Install by clicking the script or running from python command prompt
Downloading/unpacking pip
Downloading pip-1.3.1.tar.gz (247Kb): 247Kb downloaded
Running egg_info for package pip
warning: no files found matching ‘*.html’ under directory ‘docs’
warning: no previously-included files matching ‘*.txt’ found under directory
no previously-included directories found matching ‘docs_build_sources’
Installing collected packages: pip
Running install for pip
warning: no files found matching ‘*.html’ under directory ‘docs’
warning: no previously-included files matching ‘*.txt’ found under directory
no previously-included directories found matching ‘docs_build_sources’
Installing script to C:Python27Scripts
Installing pip.exe script to C:Python27Scripts
Installing script to C:Python27Scripts
Installing pip-2.7.exe script to C:Python27Scripts
Successfully installed pip
Cleaning up…
Test the installation
pip <command> [options]
4. Install virtualenv (Not Compulsory, but very advised)
C:>pip install virtualenv
Install virtualenvwrapper (for microsoft Windows)
C:>pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
And you are good to go!!
Thanks to tyler butler for his informative procedure